Cornerstone Roofing Receives 2019 CertainTeed SELECT ShingleMaster Contractor Certificate

Cornerstone Roofing, Inc. is celebrating its 13th year as a CertainTeed SELECT ShingleMaster Roofing Contractor (CertainTeed’s highest credential level).
For a recap of what this entails, CertainTeed states, “Cornerstone Roofing, Inc. has achieved CertainTeed’s highest credential level and therefore is authorized to operate and represent itself as a SELECT ShingleMaster and can offer the CertainTeed SureStart PLUS warranty extensions. To become a SELECT ShingleMaster, this company has met the following conditions. Each of these criteria, by itself, is stringent, and highlights this contractor as a model in the trade.
- All job supervisors, plus at least 50% of the shingle installation workforce, must be Master Shingle Applicators. And, at least one employee is qualified as a Shingle Quality Specialist.
- The company owner has agreed to abide by the terms and conditions described in the ‘Code of Ethics and Professional Practices,’ and has qualified as a fiscally responsible business owner.
- Proof of current workers’ compensation insurance as required by law, and liability insurance covering roofing have been submitted and are on file at CertainTeed.
- The company has been in business for at least five years, or accredited in the CertainTeed ShingleMaster program for at least one year, or have prior industry experience that CertainTeed considers a comparable qualification.”
2019 marks the 13th year we have achieved this credential level (every year since 2006)!
Learn more here.